Infor Nexus Elevates Supply Chain AI Beyond Basic Queries

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Infor Nexus is pioneering advanced generative AI applications to enhance supply chain visibility and decision-making, moving beyond simple question-and-answer interfaces to outcome-oriented solutions.

Generative AI: A Competitive Edge in Supply Chain Management
CEOs are recognizing the potential of generative AI to provide a competitive edge, with 75% seeing it as crucial, according to IBM’s Institute for Business Value. However, practical applications in supply chains remain scarce. While some software firms have limited their AI use to creating user manuals or improving user interfaces, Infor Nexus is taking a more ambitious approach.

Redefining User Interaction with AI
Tom Sorgie, Infor Nexus’s SVP of Technology, dismisses the idea of an Alexa-like experience as the pinnacle of AI utility. Instead, Infor Nexus is developing AI capabilities that allow users to communicate outcomes as they would with a human colleague. For instance, users can inquire about specific demurrage risks at a port, and the AI would proactively provide relevant data and visualizations.

Outcome-Oriented Digital Assistance
Infor Nexus’s AI prototypes aim to replicate the proactive checks a manager would expect from a transportation analyst. By integrating carrier contract data and shipment dwell times, the AI can alert managers to potential demurrage risks, offering a matrix view of shipments to prioritize actions. This shift from reactive to proactive management saves time and effort, allowing managers to focus on resolving issues rather than identifying them.

Enhancing User Experience with Intuitive Visuals
Infor Nexus is also addressing the intimidating complexity of supply chain systems by providing “rich visual controls” that lower the barrier for occasional users. These visuals present information in an intuitive format, enabling users to engage with the data directly, bypassing the need for precise questioning.

Addressing Generative AI’s Accuracy Challenges
Concerns about generative AI fabricating responses are mitigated in Infor Nexus’s application. The AI is trained to be a power user of the Nexus platform, utilizing internal data to provide accurate information. The visual controls further contextualize the data, reducing the likelihood of misleading answers.

Graph Database: The Core of Infor Nexus’s Knowledge Engine
The Infor Nexus Knowledge Engine is built on a graph database, which excels at handling complex, interconnected data. This technology enriches master data with interconnections, allowing the AI to access rich business data through “knowledge context.” Unlike traditional relational databases, graph databases mirror human cognitive processes, enabling more dynamic and context-rich interactions.

Infor Nexus’s integration of generative AI with graph database technology exemplifies the innovative strides being made in supply chain management, offering a glimpse into the future of AI-driven decision-making.

