Harnessing Technology for Complete Supply Chain Transparency

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In the era of omnichannel retail, achieving end-to-end visibility in the supply chain is more critical than ever. With the right technology, businesses can overcome the complexities of multi-platform fulfillment and gain the insights needed to streamline operations.

The Omnichannel Challenge
The modern consumer’s journey is no longer linear, with 89% of shoppers comparing products across online marketplaces before making a purchase. This behavior necessitates an omnichannel approach, where merchants must navigate varying fulfillment demands. The complexity of managing disparate supply chain elements often leads to reduced visibility, making it challenging to track products from production to delivery. Presently, a mere 6% of companies can claim complete supply chain visibility, highlighting the urgency for a unified view that can drive efficiency and resilience.

The Technology Imperative
Visibility is not just about tracking; it’s about integrating data across the supply chain for actionable insights. While carriers like UPS provide a snapshot of goods in transit, a comprehensive solution is needed—one that consolidates inventory and shipment data from multiple channels and systems. Near-time insights into inventory levels and fulfillment statuses are crucial for achieving end-to-end visibility. This requires technology platforms, including inventory management, ERP, WMS, and shipping carriers, to adopt modern integration patterns that facilitate data sharing.

IoT and RFID: The Visibility Enhancers
The integration of IoT sensors and RFID tagging is becoming essential for effective supply chain management. These technologies offer real-time visibility within warehouses and during transit, addressing the need for immediate data access. IoT applications range from vehicle and package tracking to inventory management, route optimization, and warehouse automation. RFID technology complements this by providing rapid, accurate inventory tracking without manual barcode scanning. Despite the potential, 63% of companies still do not leverage technology to monitor their supply chain, underscoring the opportunity for improvement.

Towards a Unified Supply Chain View
The journey to a “single pane of glass” for supply chain visibility is complex, but the path is clear. Retailers, technology providers, and supply chain professionals must collaborate to integrate the necessary technologies. The goal is a seamless, transparent supply chain that offers visibility at every stage—from ordering and fulfillment to delivery—empowering businesses to meet the demands of today’s omnichannel marketplace.

