Danfoss Advocates for Enhanced Cold Chain Systems in Africa

A motorway queued with lorries at either side.

Engineering leader Danfoss emphasizes the critical need for sustainable and efficient cold chain solutions in Africa to reduce food waste and combat climate change.

Sustainable Cold Chain Solutions Needed

The engineering behemoth Danfoss is spotlighting the urgent requirement for sustainable and energy-efficient cold chain infrastructures across Africa. The UN Environment Programme highlights a staggering 14% of global food loss due to inadequate refrigeration, which could feed a billion people. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the situation is dire, with up to 40% of food lost in transit from farms to markets, primarily within the initial stages of distribution.

Global Energy Efficiency Initiative

At the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) Global Conference on Energy Efficiency in Nairobi, the focus was on catalyzing worldwide energy efficiency measures. With the Global Cooling Watch Report indicating a potential tripling of cooling demand by 2050, GHG emissions could double, surpassing current US annual totals. Yet, advancements in cold chain and refrigeration efficiency could yield 30% of the energy savings needed by 2050, significantly curtailing food waste.

Danfoss Spearheads Cold Chain Development

Danfoss, under the leadership of Astrid Mozes, is pioneering the development of near-zero emission cooling technologies. The company’s Loss2Value Project, in collaboration with DanChurchAid in Kenya, aims to diminish post-harvest losses by showcasing the tangible benefits of energy-efficient cold storage for local farmers and traders. This project is part of a broader effort to foster sustainable business practices and fortify the agricultural sector in Kenya.

Fostering Future Innovations

Danfoss is also nurturing the next generation of engineers by enrolling students from across Africa to gather market data on food waste. These students, specializing in mechanical and electrical engineering, are conducting research that could inform future cold chain initiatives and strategies in African countries such as Rwanda, Nigeria, Kenya, and the Ivory Coast.

Danfoss’s commitment to enhancing cold chain systems in Africa is a crucial step towards reducing food waste, combating climate change, and promoting sustainable business practices in the region.

