Optilogic Democratizes Supply Chain Design, Boosting Flexibility and Resilience

Optilogic’s cloud platform enables widespread access to supply chain design, enhancing adaptability amid disruptions.

As disruptions become more frequent, companies need to focus on two ongoing activities: planning and supply chain design. Planning is necessary to maximize the efficiency of the supply chain, especially in the face of disruptions. Supply chain design, on the other hand, is about future-proofing the supply chain, taking into account future changes and adapting the current supply chain accordingly.

The Evolution and Future of Supply Chain Design

Supply chain design has evolved significantly over the past decade. With advances in computing power, software, and hardware, companies can now build a virtual model of their current supply chain. But the possibilities of supply chain design extend beyond that. Companies can use these virtual models to build and test their future supply chains before making any actual changes.

The Power of ‘What If’ Scenarios and Detailed View of Orders

One of the key functions of supply chain design is the ability to run ‘what if’ scenarios. This allows companies to test different strategies and changes without any risks or extra costs. Additionally, advancements in supply chain design now allow for a detailed view of orders and shipments, providing a more realistic and efficient approach to supply chain management.

Democratizing Supply Chain Design with Optilogic

Optilogic, a new supply chain design platform developed by Hicks, is set to democratize supply chain design. The platform, which runs in the cloud, allows all employees within a company to use it without needing to become experts in supply chain design. This opens up the platform for continuous use, answering infinite questions and enabling more efficient and adaptable supply chain management.

In conclusion, the democratization of supply chain design through platforms like Optilogic is paving the way for a new era of efficiency and adaptability in supply chain management. Companies can now leverage technology to build, test, and adjust their supply chains with greater ease and precision, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving business landscape.

