Streamlining International Trade with Advanced Technology

A trading office.

As global trade intensifies, the need for efficient cross-border logistics becomes paramount. Optical character recognition (OCR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are emerging as key solutions to meet stringent customs regulations and maintain the flow of goods.

Enhancing Security in Global Trade

The surge in international parcel volumes poses significant security challenges. Nations are increasingly adopting pre-arrival data submission models to mitigate risks without impeding trade. The EU‘s upcoming Import Control System 2 (ICS2) exemplifies this shift, mandating data provision before parcels enter the bloc to prevent entry of illicit goods.

The Burden on Sellers

Traditionally, sellers label parcels with essential data, but the new requirement to submit this information to customs pre-arrival adds complexity. Details such as sender and receiver information, product descriptions, HS codes, weight, quantity, and price must be meticulously provided, a daunting task for businesses of all sizes.

Adopting Intelligent Data Processing

Digitization is the key to managing this data efficiently. OCR technology, coupled with AI, can scan parcel labels during sorting, extract necessary information, and prepare it for pre-arrival submission. This integration into existing systems streamlines the process, making it feasible for high-volume shippers and those with limited administrative resources.

OCR: A Viable Solution for All

Once a costly option for large-scale operations, OCR technology has evolved. Prime Vision’s Customs Vision products offer a cost-effective, standardized solution suitable for diverse logistics needs. With minimal development and rapid implementation, OCR is now a practical tool for companies of all sizes to stay compliant with evolving regulations.

Adapting to Regulatory Changes

As customs authorities worldwide tighten controls, technologies like OCR will be crucial for businesses to adapt and thrive. Prime Vision’s expertise in OCR and AI positions sellers to effortlessly meet customs data requirements, ensuring a smooth and secure trade experience.

