Stalled Progress: Women’s Representation in Supply Chain Lags

Gartner's survey shows a decrease in female representation in the supply chain, urging CSCOs to recommit to equity initiatives and goal-setting for improvement.

The ninth annual Women in Supply Chain survey by Gartner, in collaboration with AWESOME, reveals a disappointing stagnation in the progress of female representation in the supply chain sector. The survey shows a 1% decrease from 2023, with women now making up 40% of the workforce. This halt in progress is attributed to three main factors: a lack of formal goals, CSCOs’ reduced involvement in their own initiatives, and a decreased focus on pay equity.

Strategies for CSCOs to Improve Female Representation

To prevent further decline in representation, CSCOs are urged to recommit to inclusion, equity, and representation. This involves setting clear goals, implementing initiatives to achieve them, and holding themselves and their teams accountable for the results. Inclusive leader development, reducing bias in recruitment processes, and addressing pay equity are key strategies to improve outcomes across all levels.

Bright Spots in Frontline Roles

Despite the overall stagnation, the representation of women in frontline roles has seen positive progress. Factors contributing to this include general employee engagement, work flexibility, investments in pay equity, inclusive leadership development, and recruitment. This improvement in frontline roles is a promising sign for the future, indicating potential growth in the number of women leading manufacturing and logistics organizations, and subsequently, more women rising to CSCO and COO roles.

In conclusion, it is crucial for CSCOs to take immediate action to address the stagnant progress in female representation in the supply chain sector. By recommitting to inclusivity, setting clear goals, and actively pursuing strategies to improve representation, CSCOs can ensure a more diverse and equitable workforce that benefits the entire industry.

