Navigating Third-Party Risks in Global Supply Chains

Red sea shipping route from above

As geopolitical tensions rise, supply chain leaders must enhance their third-party risk management strategies to maintain business continuity and protect against disruptions.

Geopolitical Tensions Impact Global Trade

Supply chain leaders are facing increased pressure to address third-party risks as geopolitical conflicts, such as the Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping routes, disrupt global trade. The Red Sea, a critical artery for commerce, has seen a significant reduction in traffic from major ocean carriers and energy companies due to these threats, leading to longer, costlier shipping routes.

Strategic Risk Mitigation Essential

With 90% of containerships rerouting to avoid the Red Sea, businesses are compelled to reassess their sourcing and shipping strategies. However, for many, shifting away from regional hotspots isn’t feasible. Instead, they must focus on mitigating concentration risks and enhancing third-party risk management (TPRM) programs.

Challenges in Third-Party Risk Management

Despite the urgency, TPRM programs face hurdles, including immature or non-existent TPRM frameworks, siloed risk data, and inadequate risk management practices. Only a fraction of organizations have a centralized TPRM program or effectively manage third-party risks, highlighting the need for improvement.

The Indispensable Role of TPRM

A robust TPRM program is indispensable for navigating the complex risk landscape. It should automate risk assessment, continuous monitoring, and corrective actions. Supply chain teams require a unified view across all risk domains, leveraging technology to manage third-party risks effectively.

Implementing Effective TPRM Programs

For successful TPRM, organizations must clarify ownership of TPRM functions, evaluate existing processes, and adopt scalable solutions. Key components of an effective TPRM program include due diligence, risk scorecards, and continuous monitoring, all of which contribute to informed decision-making and risk mitigation.

Proactive Third-Party Risk Management

The current geopolitical climate necessitates a proactive approach to TPRM. Business leaders should design comprehensive programs that align with supply chain priorities and start with a focused technology foundation. By thinking big, starting small, and scaling quickly, they can enhance their TPRM programs, safeguard against disruptions, and ensure customer satisfaction.

