Global Progress on Plastic Pollution Treaty

A landfill showing lots of plastic waste.

Negotiations Advance in Ottawa

World leaders have concluded another round of pivotal discussions aimed at formulating a comprehensive treaty to address the escalating issue of plastic pollution. The recent assembly in Ottawa, which concluded on April 30, marked the fourth meeting of the INCPP and showcased a shift in momentum towards concrete action.

Treaty Language and Production Limits

For the first time, the INCPP delved into the specifics of the treaty’s language, transitioning from broader conceptual discussions to tangible regulatory proposals. Key topics included imposing restrictions on plastic production volumes, addressing the presence of hazardous chemicals in plastics, and enhancing recycling and reuse protocols. The production cap proposals, in particular, emerged as a contentious issue, with plastic manufacturers and chemical firms advocating for a treaty that prioritizes recycling initiatives.

Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Studies

Recent investigations have shed light on the corporate sector’s role in plastic pollution. A study by the 5 Gyres Institute identified five corporations as the source of nearly 25% of two million branded plastic items collected by volunteers over four years. Another report by the CDP highlighted the failure of thousands of companies to implement adequate measures to mitigate plastic pollution within their supply chains.

The INCPP is set to refine the treaty proposals further in preparation for a conclusive session scheduled for the fall in South Korea, where final agreements are anticipated.

