Cybersecurity Concerns Rise Among IT Professionals in Supply Chain Sectors

Cybersecurity symbol on an iphone.

A recent study reveals significant apprehension among IT professionals regarding cybersecurity threats within the supply chain, with many feeling their organizations are underprepared for potential cyber attacks.

Cybersecurity Preparedness in Question

The latest industry report raises alarms over the cybersecurity readiness of companies across key sectors. Hexnode’s survey of 1,000 IT professionals from industries such as automotive, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, shipping, and transportation has uncovered a widespread concern. A notable 77% of respondents are wary of cybersecurity threats targeting their supply chains, while 42% admit their organizations lack a robust cyber attack response plan.

Proficiency and Budget Constraints

The survey further reveals a gap in confidence and resources. About 41% of IT staff rate their proficiency in utilizing cybersecurity tools as moderate, and 28% are skeptical about the adequacy of their cybersecurity budgets. More concerning is that one-third of the surveyed organizations have experienced cyberattacks within the past year.

Strategic Cyber Defense Imperative

Hexnode’s findings underscore the urgency for companies to enhance their understanding of cybersecurity risks and to implement stronger defense mechanisms. The report advocates for a strategic blend of in-house and external technological solutions to educate employees and safeguard supply chains from cyber threats.

