Mitigating Contractor Safety Risks in Supply Chains

A number of contractors ascending a yellow steel bridge walkway on a construction site.

As supply chains expand and become more intricate, contractor safety risks also increase. By implementing strategic measures such as thorough contractor vetting, automation of high-risk tasks, and inclusion of safety clauses in contracts, businesses can enhance safety and protect their supply chain and financial health.

Thorough Contractor Vetting

The first step towards ensuring contractor safety compliance is a comprehensive vetting process. Requesting references from similar past projects and using pre-qualification questionnaires can help identify the most suitable contractors. These questionnaires have been shown to reduce safety incidents and lost work days by 20%. It’s also crucial to ask for proof of compliance with health and safety policies, including relevant training certificates like the ISO 45001 certification.

Automation of High-Risk Tasks

Automation can significantly reduce safety risks in supply chain operations. Autonomous robots, such as pallet movers and pick-and-place robots, can handle high-risk tasks like heavy lifting and retrieving items from high shelves. This not only minimizes the risk of serious injuries but also allows workers to focus on other responsibilities. However, even with automation, proper manual handling techniques are essential to prevent repetitive strain injuries and musculoskeletal disorders.

Inclusion of Safety Clauses in Contracts

Contracts should include clauses requiring contractors and their subcontractors to adhere to the organization’s health and safety regulations, as well as local, federal, and state regulations. The contract should clearly state that non-compliance will result in immediate termination. Contractors should also be required to promptly report safety incidents to prevent further accidents. Regular meetings to discuss safety key performance indicators and recent safety incidents can foster a culture of safety awareness and proactive prevention.

By implementing these strategies, businesses can minimize safety risks, prevent accidents and lost work days, and ensure a smooth, disruption-free supply chain.

