Quantics: Pioneering AI-Driven Forecasting for Complex Manufacturing Demands

A futuristic dashboard with analytics and graphs. These should visually represent the sophisticated technology used in predicting supply chain demands.

Quantics, an Austrian start-up founded in 2020, is carving out a niche in the supply chain forecasting and planning market.

The company, established by Christof Bitschnau, Johannes Matt, and Resul Akay, is dedicated to serving large manufacturing firms grappling with unpredictable demand patterns. CEO Bitschnau reveals, “Our sweet spot is with enterprises that have already invested in planning tools from established providers.”

Innovation Born from Industry Need

The trio was inspired to create an AI-powered tool to enhance existing supply chain planning systems.

Bitschnau shares, “Resul’s experience as a data scientist highlighted a demand for advanced solutions tailored to manufacturers facing erratic customer demand due to batch deliveries or project-based operations.”

Facilitating Cross-Departmental Collaboration

Quantics has since developed a robust SaaS platform encompassing forecasting, demand planning, and inventory management.

Designed for extensive planning teams, the tool promotes interdepartmental cooperation. “Our aim is to integrate sales teams into the planning process more effectively, offering features for collaborative forecasting and planning,” Bitschnau explains.

Selective Clientele for Optimal Results

The company’s focus is on manufacturing entities with a minimum annual revenue of €100 million.

Bitschnau notes, “We initially considered smaller businesses but realized that our tool is most effective with mature companies with established data management and supply chain processes.”

Global Reach and Investment Success

With clients like Mondi, Quantics has implemented its solution across continents, from Europe to the Americas.

The start-up’s innovative approach has attracted €570,000 in investment, fueling further research and product development.The company’s dedication to addressing the needs of large manufacturing firms through innovative AI-driven solutions has positioned Quantum as a leader in the supply chain forecasting and planning market. With a focus on collaboration, tailored solutions, and global reach, Quantics continues to drive success and investment in the industry.